accompanying you beyond borders
Orientation coaching : Take action!
Integrating, adapting to a new environment or cultural context
Developing a project / activity in a new country
Making choices and defining your priorities
Performance coaching : Unlock your true potential !
Taking up the challenges of your expatriation
Developing new personal goals
Undertaking new professional challenges
Transition coaching : Embrace Change !
Managing your time, your stress and organizing yourself
Facing the multiple and difficult problems of the humanitarian life
Accompanying you in your reintegration or change of orientation project
Reaching a better balance between private and professional life
If our problems are endless, I am convinced that there is a solution for each and every one, they are just inside us ... I can help you to identify them and put in place an efficient action plan!
My experience in charge of academic mobility at the Office of International Relations of the University of Geneva has allowed me to familiarize myself with this academic and scientific world, and to support students, researchers and professors in their professional or study exchange projects, taking into account the different aspects of international exchange programs and cultural adaptation.
I have been committed to humanitarian missions for over 10 years. I have been lucky enough to work in the Human Resources field across all continents, mainly within war contexts, amidst difficult and volatile security living conditions. This unique work and life experience, opened my eyes to the need of others and especially: my desire to help them.
This is how I decided to specialize in orientation, performance and transition coaching. I am also trained and certified in applying complementary approaches, such as the "CLEEN" method, a targeted coaching to erase the footprints of negative emotions, or the "MBTI", the only personality type questionnaire that is scientifically prooven.
These different coaching tools will allow me to accompany you to explore, together, your potential and your talents and identify the different options available to you.
I propose an innovative method of e-coaching, which can help you wherever you are in the world, ensuring a personalized and interactive follow-up, removing any barrier of time, availability and space.
« What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It » Joahnn Wolfgang Van Goethe
caroline Rigaud
Certified Coach by Alain Cayrol International Coaching Institute
Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation
Certified CLEEN practitioner, method of erasing negative emotional footprints
Certified MBTI practitioner level 1&2 - personality questionnaire
Specialized in the coaching of humanitarians, expatriates and managers, in handling crisis situations and multicultural issues.
My journey
Bachelor in Human Resources, completed by training in coaching and management of emotions.
In charge of the exchange programs and academic mobility of professors, researchers and students at the Office of International Relations of the University of Genve (UniGE) for 5 years.
Human Resources Manager for more than 10 years for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
These different professional experiences have allowed me to evolve in an academic and scientific setting as well as in war contexts such as Iraq, Gaza, Central Africa, Chad, permanently exposed to rapid changes and situations of pressure and crisis.
I accompanied large teams (up to 300 people) in their career progression.
My assets
My knowledge of HR, the humanitarian sector, and expatriation in difficult contexts.
My knowledge of the academic and scientific realm, and the world of multinationals.
My experience in coaching managers and large multicultural teams.
Possibilities to coach in French, in English & in Spanish.


What is it?
It's a new way of personalized and interactive accompaniment of people and teams, removing any barriers of time and space.
It promotes permanent accessibility to coaching tools and the spontaneous implementation of new modes of self-coaching by its users.
Beyond the use of such new communication technologies, e-coaching meets the same goals and operating principles as traditional coaching. It is based on the establishment of a partnership aimed at developing the potential and talents of coachees.
It aims to help them build their own solutions, be it for personal or professional matters, to improve their performance or change management.
You are no longer dependant on constraints of time and space.
A confidential personal space in which you can find all the tools used with your coach.
21 online courses on management, communication, personal development or career development tailored to your needs and your requests
Orientation coaching:
skills assessment and professional reorientation
Performance coaching:
team management, leadership, organization at work
Transition coaching:
professional and organizational change management, crisis management and stress.
liberation from Emotional negative Footprints Coaching

A revolutionary approach that allows you to instantly get rid of the most negative emotional reactions and the most limiting barriers to success that are a source of difficulties in your life.
Emotional negative footprints are universal. They affect everyone in one way or another. Like it or not, our emotional difficulties are there.
Just think of all those negative emotional reactions, personal blockages that you know or can observe around you that often make life difficult for us and force most people to live below their abilities.
Think of the list of the most frequent fears:
Fear of obscurity, water, emptiness, speed, heights
Afraid to drive, to take the train, the boat or the plane. Fear of the elevator and enclosed spaces or afraid of large spaces..
Fear of cats or dogs, mice, snakes or spiders
Fear of dying, losing control, anxiety attacks ...
The list of phobias is long, not to say endless.
Add to this all the situations of pressure in which a person can get cold feet or panic: public speaking, exam situations, sports competitions, etc.
And anger?
Have you ever happened to be triggered by a behavior or a statement that, with hindsight was probably not that very bad but you started a quarter turn, and regretted it less than 15 minutes later?
How many professional partnerships or personal relationships fail due to such form of emotional hyper-reactivity?
And sadness or depression?
How many people go through everyday life without energy, without a plan?
Those nvisible or subtle emotions, those that result in inhibition
Inhibitions to think clearly, to know what you want
Inhibitions when it comes to taking action, to move forward
Inhibitions to give oneself the right to succeed
At the center of these inhibitions, we always find the same thing: unconscious sabotage, often archaic, which escape the will of the person and which blocks one's level of success.
We know that good resolutions of change that are based on the strength of the will rarely last long and at the first stress, the person returns to his old patterns.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Through the approach of personality types, the MBTI tool provides a solid and reliable foundation for personal development.
The MBTI is the most well known and used personality tool in the world. Much more than just a personality questionnaire, the MBTI provides a constructive and flexible model for designing solutions in all areas of personal development and human interaction. The MBTI profile shows how an individual perceives the world and interacts with it, giving insights into his motives and the motivation of others. This provides a solid foundation for personal evolution and development, resulting in improved individual effectiveness.
Communication and influence
Decision making
Leadership Development
Professional orientation
Change management
Stress management
Conflict management
Team development
Professional evolution

into the field
JOIN THE "humanitarian network"!
5 programs according to your needs, do do in group, in webinar
Challenge Pro
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Coaching sessions
By following one of our programs, you will the join the "Humanitarian Network", accessible worldwilde through an online space.
There, you will find people who live similar life experiences, with moments of positive achievement but also period of difficulty. You can the share and find advice and support from you peers.
Et si accompagner votre conjoint à l’étranger vous permettait de trouver votre équilibre ?
Vous positionner face au changement
Identifier vos besoins, valeurs et limites afin d'avoir de solide fondations
trouver votre équilibre
Pour y parvenir, nous vous proposons un accompagnement personnalisé avec 6 sessions de coaching de 1 heure, avec en bonus, un programme que vous pourrez suivre à votre rythme, depuis chez vous:
9 vidéos réparties sur 3 modules
Se positionner face aux changements
Identifier ses piliers de vie
Trouver l'harmonie
50 pages d’outils de coaching et de pistes de réflexion pour mettre en pratique et avancer pas à pas pour trouver votre équilibre.

Mélanie, France
Grâce à Caroline et à sa méthode j’ai réussi à trouver un nouvel équilibre et les solutions
pour y parvenir.
Tant professionnellement que personnellement.
Je sais aujourd’hui comment gérer et détecter les situations de stress.
Merci pour ton aide.

Kelly, Switzerland
Caroline’s professionalism and warmth make her a great professional coach!
Our coaching sessions were invaluable to me as a source of motivation and reflection; aiding me in to stay alined in prioritising and achieving my career goals. Caroline also offers many insights and tools into gaining fresh perspectives on personal life balance - tools which I continue to use today!

Hélène, Canada
Ma peur des chiens remonte à mon enfance et je ne souhaitais pas la transmettre à mes enfants. J’ai donc décidé d’agir et et d’être accompagnée dans cette démarche. J’ai contacté Caroline Rigaud car j’avais pris des renseignements sur la technique CLEEN. J’étais un peu septique mais nous avons fait une première séance. Ce fut intense. Je ne savais pas si cela avait fonctionné mais quelques semaines après, je suis allée chez des amis qui avaient un chien et je ne me suis rendue qu’après que je n’avais pas eu peur. Miracle ! Un grand merci à Caroline pour m’avoir aidée à dépasser ma peur.

Géraldine, Mexique
Je tiens à remercier Caroline pour sa bienveillance et son écoute. Elle m'a permis de passer un cap difficile pendant ma première expatriation au Mexique.
Grace à son optimisme contagieux et sa méthode de travail j'ai réussi à définir ce que je souhaitais entreprendre mais aussi le chemin à emprunter pour y parvenir.
Dans mon cas il s'agissait d'un changement de domaine professionnel dans un environnement d'expatriation.